Aussie Intuitive - accuracy and truth at all times
If you have questions about love, and what the other person is thinking and/or feeling, I can very clearly give you those responses. Having this knowledge then empowers you to make the best decisions for you! No "Timing" Q's
I am a professional practicing Psychic Medium, Reiki Master and meditation teacher. I am a global citizen and traveller, and find that travelling to new cultures and sacred spaces is one of the fastest ways to increase my own level of spirituality.
My Approach To Topics
When you call me, please introduce yourself. Provide your first name, and your question. I will also need the first name of any person or person's that you ask about - as that is how I tune into their energy. I understand that people like to "test
Highlighted Review
06/26/2024 - Call
Tonight was my first call and I absolutely love how honest she is. That is helpful more than anything thank you so much much.