Finding Advisors  
  How do I find the right advisor to talk to?
There are several ways to find the right advisor on Keen.
  1. Browse Topics
    If you want to receive advice on a particular topic, simply click the topic you're interested from the home page, any category page or from the "More" drop down menu in the sub-header.

    Find People

  2. Use Search
    Use the search box found on the top of every page on Keen. Type in the word or words that best describe the subject for which you wish to receive advice, and you'll be shown listings which relate to your search term. You can also search for a specific advisor by typing their user name into the search field.

  3. Use Get Advice
    The tab in the header (from any page) lets you search AND browse. You can pick a topic and browse topic listings until you find an appropriate available advisor or use the search box.

How do I get the most out of using Search?
Our Search feature can improve your ability to find the advisor or listing topic you're looking for by letting you request specific combinations of words.

Here's how to use it:

Default Search
If you type psychic advice into the search field, your results will show every listing which contains psychic advice in the listing content (listing title, short and long description). Similarly, if you type the user name of an advisor, your results will show every listing which contains the advisor's user name.

AND Search
If you type psychic AND astrology into the search field, your results with show every listing which contains both the words psychic and astrology--but they won't necessarily appear as one phrase. (AND must be in all caps to work correctly)

OR Search
If you type psychic OR astrology into the search field, your results will show every listing which contains either the words psychic or astrology. (OR must be in all caps to work correctly)

NOT Search
If you type psychic NOT astrology into the search field, your results will show every listing which contains the word psychic but not the word astrology. (NOT must be in all caps to work correctly)

Exact Phrase Search
If you type "psychic astrologer" into the search field, your results will show every listing which contains the phrase psychic astrologer exactly but not instances where there are other words between the two terms (like psychic zodiac astrologer) or if the terms are split between different fields (such as if psychic was in the title and astrologer was in the listing description - and the two words never appeared together).

The * acts as a wildcard. If you type clair* into the search field, your results will show every listing which contains any word that begins with clair, including but not limited to clairvoyant, clairvoyance, clairaudient, clairaudience, clairsentient, clairsentience, etc.

Multiple Methods
You can string together multiple methods as described above within the same search. If you type psychic AND clair* NOT clairaudient into the search field, your results will show every listing which contains the word psychic and words starting with clair except clairaudient.

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