The Tarot Suit of Pentacles

female psychic observing suit of pentacle circle diagram in forest

The Tarot Suit of Pentacles

Of the four suits of the Tarot, only one deals with the things in life that we can touch and hold and possess. Cups rule emotions, Wands rule creativity and Swords rule ideas, but Pentacles rule the material world and everything it offers.

When a card from the suit of Pentacles is in your Tarot reading, it tells you about your income and personal possessions.

When there are a few cards of this suit in your Tarot reading, issues related to your finances and property are front and center. A Tarot reading emphasizes the energy in your world that is the most palpable. When the things that you own or desire are dominating your thoughts, emotions, and inspiration, Pentacles take over your reading.

There are fourteen Pentacle cards in the Tarot deck. Each focuses on the material world and how we relate to money and objects. They capture the essence of a moment in our relationship with tangible things. Look at each card with a Pentacle as a piece of the possession puzzle.

Pentacles Tarot Card Meanings

The meanings of the suit of Pentacles is closely tied to the earth element, representing material aspects of life: possessions, financial security, and growth. When Pentacles tarot cards appear, they often convey messages about balance and stability.

Want career progress? The Three of Pentacles encourages teamwork, highlighting the rewards of collaboration. The Knight of Pentacles symbolizes steady progress—reminding you that consistency is key. Concerned about finances? The Four of Pentacles warns against being overly possessive, while the Six of Pentacles emphasizes generosity and balance.

Pentacles represent life’s material and physical aspects—beyond money, they connect to stability. When many Pentacles appear, it often signifies grounding and security. Pentacles symbolize practicality, growth, and balancing material pursuits with well-being, helping you stay grounded while manifesting prosperity.

The Suit of Pentacles can take on several meanings:

  • Material aspects of life, including financial security, possessions, and growth.
  • Practicality, growth, and grounding oneself.
  • The balance between material pursuits and spiritual well-being.
  • Generosity, balance, and wise management of resources.
  • The earth element, which emphasizes stability.

Each Pentacles card offers a unique lesson. The Ace of Pentacles symbolizes new opportunities, while the Ten of Pentacles focuses on attainment, legacy, and fulfillment. The court cards—Page, Knight, Queen, and King—illustrate how we interact with the material world, from youthful excitement to wise stewardship.

Curious about how Pentacles can bring clarity to your life? Connect with a trusted tarot advisor and use this powerful suit to create the stability you deserve.

Upright vs. Reversed Pentacles Meanings

When Pentacles cards appear in your tarot reading, their position—upright or reversed—plays a key role in their interpretation. Upright cards often reflect stability, growth, and tangible rewards, while reversed cards highlight challenges, delays, or imbalances in the material world. Both perspectives offer valuable insights into your life.

Upright Pentacles: Grounded Growth

Upright Pentacles signify practicality and positive material progress. These cards encourage growth and long-term stability in areas such as finances, career, and personal achievement. They often symbolize the rewards of hard work and grounded decision-making. For example:

  • Ace of Pentacles: New financial opportunities, stable beginnings, and tangible success. It can represent a significant gift or an investment paying off.
  • Ten of Pentacles: Wealth, legacy, and family security. This card often reflects intergenerational success or creating a foundation for loved ones to thrive.
  • Three of Pentacles: Teamwork and collaboration. It encourages cooperation to achieve shared material goals.

Reversed Pentacles: Addressing Blockages

Reversed Pentacles bring attention to areas needing growth or balance. These cards might indicate delays, missed opportunities, or challenges with over-attachment to material concerns. They remind us to reassess priorities and embrace flexibility. For example:

  • Four of Pentacles (Reversed): Greed, fear of loss, or a need to let go of possessiveness. It suggests loosening control to find peace.
  • Five of Pentacles (Reversed): Recovery from financial hardships and rebuilding stability. It encourages hope and perseverance.
  • Seven of Pentacles (Reversed): Frustration with delays or wasted effort. It signals the need to rethink strategies.
Card Upright Meaning Reversed Meaning
Ace of Pentacles New beginnings, financial opportunities Missed chances, financial delays
Four of Pentacles Stability, saving, financial security Greed, material obsession, fear of loss
Ten of Pentacles Legacy, family wealth, achievement Discord, family disputes, financial strain
Seven of Pentacles Patience, long-term rewards Impatience, lack of payoff

By understanding both upright and reversed Pentacles, you can navigate life’s material challenges and opportunities with clarity.

  • Ace of Pentacles

    The Ace of Pentacles is the Tarot’s equivalent of ensuring financial prosperity for some time to come. The dominating nature of this card is such that it may adversely affect your relationships with people who do not thrive in a world that flaunts material wealth.

  • Two of Pentacles

    The Two of Pentacles warns that balancing your financial needs and your material pleasures can be an all-consuming thrill ride if you are not careful. Not appreciating your stability, you could be rocking the boat by spending wildly for stimulation.

  • Three of Pentacles

    The Three of Pentacles appears when you are laying the foundation of a large project. It indicates that there are other people in your life who have a hand in what you own, be it as controlling things or as beneficiaries.

  • Four of Pentacles

    This is a stubborn streak manifesting as an obsession with clinging on to what is yours. You may feel some justification as the Four of Pentacles appears quite often after something has been taken away. But it is a card of holding one’s self back and not realizing the true potential of your own assets.

  • Five of Pentacles

    The Five of Pentacles continues the theme of the card before it by reminding you that by ignoring your potential to create wealth, you could end up missing out on opportunities. This card is one where regrets and reminders merge into a cautionary tale about finding and embracing financial opportunity before it is too late.

  • Six of Pentacles

    Many cards involved with the material plane are about the effect that money has on you. The Six of Pentacles is about how you make an impact on what you put out into the material plane. Creating and compensating are important parts of the economic cycle and when you are in control, the chance to do more than just spend freely becomes a responsibility.

  • Seven of Pentacles

    Sometimes even when you know you should have something, you must wait. The Seven of Pentacles alerts you to circumstances beyond your control and lets you know that a peaceful outcome with much abundance does await you. The problem, though, is that it might be a long while before you get what is rightfully yours.

  • Eight of Pentacles

    The need to work for what you want in the world is apparent when the Eight of Pentacles appears. Nobody is going to give you cuts in line or hand you a winning lottery ticket. On the other hand, everything you do works out to your advantage, so embrace the material plane’s card of getting what you want by earning it all yourself.

  • Nine of Pentacles

    The Nine of Pentacles appears when the bills pile up. At its worst, it reflects you being stuck in a small space admiring things you bought that you do not need and that don’t love you back. At its best, it shows you isolated from the world as you play with your toys and revel in the things you own without anyone else.

  • Ten of Pentacles

    The Ten of Pentacles almost guarantees an easy time with money and indicates a chance to make permanent the gains in your life. Whereas the Nine of Pentacles keeps you isolated, this card entwines the material plane with the social sphere. Money and investments serve as the foundation for you to develop a network of friends and security for your family.

  • Page of Pentacles

    The Page of Pentacles represents the youthful feeling when you take ownership of something for the first time. The Page is young energy and can signal buying your first car or home no matter your age. The downside of the Page is immaturity, selfishness and unnecessary extravagance.

  • Knight of Pentacles

    The Knight of Pentacles represents the time in your life when you begin learning about how to use money as a tool. You can get more out of money as an investment than you will if you just spend it. The difference between the Page and the Knight of this suit is that while the Page card appears in the reading of a first-time home buyer, the Knight appears in the reading of someone investing in homes as rental properties.

  • Queen of Pentacles

    The Queen of Pentacles might be the most enjoyable of all the Pentacles cards. A lot of issues surrounding money are tense and stressful. The Queen enjoys her wealth and this card appearing in your Tarot reading indicates that you will have a pleasurable relationship with the material plane. The Queen is the original “Material Girl” and might even take you on a shopping spree!

  • King of Pentacles

    The King of Pentacles is often an indicator of someone who can help you financially. This is not necessarily a position of subservience for you. The King could be a bank or a trust fund from your parents or a loan that enables you to get much accomplished. If you are the King in your reading, though, it indicates a comprehension of what your material position in the world can achieve.

When a reading with many pentacles features an Ace card from a different suit, your material advantage is increased. The Ace of Swords delivers new investment strategies and ideas. The Ace of Cups gives you a good hunch on making a wise purchase. The Ace of Wands in a reading with a few Pentacles delivers creative insight on how to make the most out of what you’ve got in this world. And you may as well make the most, because when it comes to the material world represented by the Tarot’s suit of Pentacles, you really cannot take any of it with you.

The Suit of Pentacles Can Help You Achieve Your Material Desires

Whether you’re seeking clarity in your career, finances, or personal growth, this suit can provide the grounded guidance you need.

Connect with a trusted tarot advisor at today and gain insights into your path to stability and prosperity. Visit our Tarot Card Readings page now to book your reading and take the next step toward a balanced, abundant life.

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